November 12, 2018

Yeah, I know that this is dated to Monday. I got distracted.

This week has been pretty all around good. Except for the fact that my bike got ANOTHER flat tire last week. That wasn't fun. I also bought new lights for my bike (since daylight savings time happened, I've been riding home in the dark every day), and putting them on was the biggest pain in the rear since... Well, since Mk. III had a tire size that didn't exist. For those of you who are just now joining or struggling to remember the transit issues I've had, here's a handy chart:

Mk. I, A.K.A. Tony : My first car, and theoretically my mission transportation. The transmission shifted its last the day I was supposed to drive to Utah.
Mk. II : My first bike in Utah. Got a flat tire my second day riding it, then got stolen two days later
Mk. III : My second bike in Utah. Got double flats within a week of me and my grandma purchasing it, and then turned out to have tires of a size (27.5", I think?) that literally don't exist. We couldn't even find replacement inner tubes on Amazon.
Mk. IV : My third and current bike, which has had three flats since my grandpa and I purchased it, one of which it somehow managed THROUGH a self sealing inner tube (don't ask me how), but other than that, an all around ok biking experience so far.

It's been an adventure!

In other news, my stake president found a counselor he thought would be a good match for me, and I had my first interview with him on Monday (that's why I opened an email draft and dated the subject bar to Monday without actually writing anything on Monday). Good news - I think he's a great fit! He's a member of the Church (a first for my counseling experience) and has struggled with a number of the same things with which I am struggling. Between him and my stake president, I have high hopes of making progress.

Beside that, not much of interest has happened this past week and a half. Sometimes boring is good! My friends in my ward have been on and off sick (strep throat and flu, I believe), but I've been fine in spite of the cold weather. My aunt is officially moving into her house this Saturday, which is exciting. It's taken a lot of work to get ready for her to live there, and it's great to see it getting to that point. The opportunity to serve there --- even just vacuuming the freshly laid carpet to ensure that it wouldn't be full of loose carpet bits --- has been a fantastic experience.

Anyways, I love you all! Stay strong, stay safe, and sleep well. Idk. I need a better sign off. ((This is honestly a major reason as to why I don't have my own youtube channel.))

Elder M. Huntsman LeBaron


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