
Showing posts from August, 2018

August 13, 2018

Good Morning! As of tomorrow, I am officially on my mission! Typically, I'm going to be doing mission emails on Saturdays (they're my P-days), but I got given today off so I'm sending out the first one now. Congratulations on being in the first wave! For starters, I'm going to explain what I'm doing just a little bit. Because of my anxiety/depression, my ecclesiastical leaders and I decided that a full time proselyting mission would be a bad idea. As a result, I'm serving a Young Church Service Mission. The rules are a little bit different than for the 'standard' mission (for example, Saturday P-days), but the service is every bit as important. I'm beyond excited -- I'm going to be working at the Church office building in Utah, most likely doing some sort of computer stuff. It's an amazing opportunity, and I'm so grateful for all of the priesthood leaders and friends who helped me to get here. Now, what w